Want to participate ?

Hanon Online is looking to collaborate with authors to expand the site's content.

Each author (pianist, piano teacher, musicologist, pedagogist, critic, ...) may submit one or more articles concerning Charles-Louis Hanon exercises.

As a contributor, you can include in your article links to your website, your Facebook page or any other website related to the piano.

Visited from all over the world, Hanon Online will help you gain exposure and have your activities known worldwide.

The following topics would be most helpful to internauts :

  • Piano technique in connection with Charles-Louis Hanon exercises,
  • Exhaustive tutorials on particular exercises,
  • Integration of the exercises in a context other than classical music, in jazz for instance.

The articles must :

  • be written in English,
  • be unique,  neither been published nor submitted elsewhere,
  • contain at least 300 words that you can illustrate with pictures free of rights,
  • contain no more than 3 links.

If this suits you, please email us at team@hanon-online.com